Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays

Christ warned that following him would create persecution and conflict for believers. It is amazing that even a simple greeting can generate controversy. It has become politically correct to say Happy Holidays so as not to offend those celebrating Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Festivus, or Kwanzaa instead of Christmas. I recently heard Ellen DeGeneres state that she preferred Happy Holidays because it included everyone and acknowledged the value of all traditions. However, not all holidays are equal and celebrating the birth of our Savior is the real reason for the season.

To the other extreme there are those who are offended by those retailers and restaurants that do not say Merry Christmas. There are blogs and websites that track which retailers use Merry Christmas and encourage people to avoid establishments that do not use the phrase.

I would like to suggest a different approach. Instead of getting offended by which phrase is used, demonstrate some grace to those in the service industries. Retail workers have to deal with grinches that are offended by things beyond the workers control. There are some people who delight in being offended and will bite the head off of a sales associate for any imagined offense. Waiters and waitresses deal with loud, obnoxious parties that leave a tip so stingy that Ebenezer Scrooge would wince. People in the service industry navigate a minefield of attitudes and opinions while making a very low wage. They often seek the path least stressful and are often operating under corporate directives crafted by lawyers and HR department heads.

So, when some sales associate or waitress says "Happy Holidays", instead of venting your righteous indignation on them simply respond with "Merry Christmas." I have found that often they will immediately respond with a cheerful "Merry Christmas." By saying "Merry Christmas" you are giving them permission to say it. Plus, you are helping spread good will instead of hunting for it.

"Merry Christmas" is more than a greeting or salutation, it is an attitude. Malls and TV specials do not create this attitude because it is not rooted in the external. The proper attitude of Christmas comes from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in those who trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. Take this season as an opportunity to show forth the joy of salvation in even the most stressful situations.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

ajc: RT @AJCGetSchooled: DOE chief of staff: Too many school systems hostile to Christians The article proves the chief's point.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inappropriate Security?

We live in a post-911 world and certain precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of Americans. However, the measures often taken are reactionary and inappropriate. For instance, the latest efforts by TSA are a clear example of a breakdown of common sense. The deployment of intensive scanners and new guidelines for pat-downs are supposed to prevent attacks like that used by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Underwear Bomber. Umar, though, boarded a plane in Amsterdam headed to Detroit. European airports are not using the more rigorous equipment or guidelines. The actual threat remains the same and efforts in American airports are nearly useless. There have not been any similar attacks anywhere in the US, the only place where these standards are employed. SO, the citizens of the US are humiliated and inconvenienced with little or no effect on our actual safety.

To make matters worse, anyone who complains or objects to the methods run the risk of no-fly lists, fines and jail time.
Land of the free? Home of the Brave?

The US possessed intelligence information prior to Umar's attack that he was a viable threat. Acting on intelligence information and connecting the dots will do far more to ensure our safety than feeling up children and the elderly.

Threats to our security are not going away. Linear, reactionary responses will do little to protect us. Our security forces need to identify and eliminate threats before they even get close to an airport. Terrorists may use biological weapons that would be undetectable - an operative infected with a hemorrhagic disease would not be detected by scanners and a pat-down would only help to spread the contagion. We need to be more imaginative than the terrorists.

We should not have to trade our freedoms in order to be safe to fly in our own nation.