Thursday, June 19, 2014

I don't like Cricket.

Imagine the following conversation:
"You should like Cricket."
"But I don't like Cricket and I don't want anything to do with it."
"But kids love Cricket."
"They have been misled. They should be playing baseball and football."
"Cricket is the most popular sport in the world."
"It's still not popular with me."
"The whole world is focused on the Cricket play-offs right now. A professional Cricket team is coming to your hometown. Cricket is everywhere. Why can't you get excited about Cricket?"
"I find it long, tedious, and filled with rules that make absolutely no sense. Plus, I don't follow a sport because it is trendy. I follow sports that appeal to me."
"You're being close-minded. Have you ever watched a Cricket match?"
"I am being opinionated. And yes, I have watched Cricket matches. It greatly contributed to my distaste for the sport."
"Fine. Then be a dinosaur."
"I like dinosaurs."

Now replace Cricket with Soccer....