Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pope Benedict the Evangelist

Well, evangelist may be a stretch. The Pope has caused some confusion among the media and anger among Islamic advocacy groups by baptizing a Muslim convert during his Easter services. The Muslim man in question, Magdi Allam, has been critical of Islam and a supporter of Israel's right to exist. The conversion is not a surprise, only the manner in which the conversion took place. Media pundits are scratching their heads because the Vatican has been pursuing better relations with the Islamic world. This would seem to be a move in the wrong direction, politically speaking. That is because they do not understand the Papacy nor do they understand the difference between Christianity and Islam.

First, the Pope is still the Pope. He does not care about Media opinions. The Pope is still the last great, powerful Monarch in the world. His word is law and is not formed by focus groups or opinion polls.

Second, baptism and Easter are a good fit. Baptism is the outward expression of the true impact of the Resurrection. As a Protestant I would be the first to point out that the Catholic Church has added more to the act of Baptism than was intended, but even for the Catholic Church it remains an important act of identification with Christ.

Third, Benedict has affirmed, perhaps indirectly and unintentionally, that Christianity and Islam are ultimately incompatible. We can coexist, but that does not mean that we think we are equals. Christianity and Islam claim to be the only true faith. Since both faiths make contradictory faith claims, only one can be right. Magdi Allam was not fine where he was at (as a Muslim). He needed Jesus and has come to Christ as Savior. This is more than changing clubs or choosing a new baseball club to root for. Allam has acknowledged that Islam was insufficient to meet the ultimate need of man. Allam knows that only Jesus can truly make him whole.

I do not foresee a new wave of revivals breaking out across the world, nor do I expect to see Benedict leading a new throng of evangelists. However, I celebrate any time a man surrenders to Christ and rejoice in any opportunity to proclaim the Gospel.

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