Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Pope and God

It has been amazing watching the news this week. The visit of the Pope has overshadowed the presidential election! The last great supreme monarch has garnered more press than the free election of the next leader of our country. It is amazing that a religious monarch, remember that the Vatican is a country, whose authority extends over all members of the Roman Catholic church enjoys great attention from a supposedly secular nation.

This week it has been exceedingly easy to know which newscasters are Catholic. Most will identify their faith in conjunction with their coverage of the Pope, but it is hardly necessary. Most of them gush with glee over the arrival of their Holy Father. One female newscaster gleefully stated that it was like God coming to visit. I am not sure if her reaction is due to the faulty thinking of a celebrity worshipping society or the result of Catholic indoctrination. Either way it is disturbing. I am not a Catholic hater, a good many of them are Christians. But if people get God and the pope confused, then the pope is a stumbling block. (A side note - Protestants must be careful in leveling judgment against the Pope. We often elevate certain pastors to a celebrity level that rivals the Pope). I don't think the problem is the elevation of the Pope, though it is a contributing and misplaced sentiment; the real problem is total misunderstanding of the True and Living God.

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