Friday, February 24, 2012

Joy and Lent

Lent is not usually considered a joyous occasion. Mardi Gras is supposed to get all of the fun out of the system before Lent begins. The stereotypical image for Lent is of a mournful looking figure with ashes on their forehead and grumpy because they've given up their favorite foods. It doesn't have to be that way.

Lent is a time of preparation for Easter that should include reflection and repentance. However, it does not have to be a time of silent, solemness. Lent should be considered a time to prepare for worship and worship is supposed to be a time of joy. The model for worship should spring from Psalm 100 - "Make a joyful noise all the earth!" We are headed toward Easter and that is reason enough to celebrate. So, while we work on our spiritual disciplines, we should do so with joy in our hearts and a song or psalm on our lips.

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