Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lent and Snack Time

Lent is normally associated with fasting and giving up luxuries. However, according to some traditions, Lent is also responsible for the creation of a popular snack. According to legend a monk wanted to create a snack to reward children who had memorized their prayers. He used flour and water, but since it was Lent he did not used eggs, lard or sugar in his dough. He took the dough and twisted it to represent arms folded in prayer and the pretzel was created. The popularity of the snack has certainly endured the test of time.
We don't know for sure whether the legend of the pretzel is true or not. I like the story, partly because I like pretzels. But I also like the story because it shows that even in the midst of spiritual disciplines we can still have fun. Too often church activities and spiritual pursuits are deemed serious, somber and boring. In reality the pursuit of a deeper faith can incorporate both fun and excitement.... and mustard.

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