What does the Bible say about the 2017 eclipse? Absolutely nothing. In fact, eclipses are never really discussed in the Bible. There are a handful of passages that mention the sun darkening (Amos 8:9; Micah 3:6; Zech. 14:6; Joel 2:10, 3:15; Job 9:7), but they also mention the moon and stars darkening. The context of these passages indicates a supernatural event occurring rather than a natural event. Eclipses are a part of the natural order that God ordained. The reason we see no discussion in the Bible regarding eclipses is because Israel was commanded in the law not to engage in astrology. Deuteronomy 4:19 regards astrology as idolatry. The righteous were to look to God for guidance, not the stars.
Those claiming that the Eclipse is a sign of judgment are engaging in bad hermeneutics (consistent interpretation) as well as Christian astrology (which is an oxymoron). Eclipses happen every year or so. However, since the majority of the earth is covered in water they do not always cross inhabited areas. The 2017 eclipse happens to cross a wide track of the US for the first time in 99 years. In 2 years it will cross the Pacific Ocean. Does that mean the Pacific Ocean will be under judgment in 2 years? Of course not.
Projected Path of 2019 Solar Eclipse |
Some in the media are quick to point out that many traditions regard eclipses as bad omens, but history also shows that they can have positive consequences. In 585 BC, Thales of Miletus accurately predicted an eclipse. This was not the first time this feat was accomplished, but it is the first recorded and verified instance of an eclipse prediction. A remarkable event occurred during that eclipse that helped preserve Thales accomplishment. The Lydians and Medes had been engaged in a long war. On May 28, 585 BC the Medes attacked the Lydians at the Halys River (in modern Turkey). They were engaged in battle when the eclipse transpired. The pagan soldiers were filled with superstitious dread and laid there weapons down. A peace treaty was then brokered because of the eclipse.
Outside of the civilized world an eclipse was a mysterious phenomenon that broke the regular order. Within civilized society an eclipse is part of the natural order and can be predicted with extreme precision. Christians are not supposed to be superstitious and should not react to an eclipse as though they were unenlightened pagans. Appreciate the orderly nature of God's creation and trust in God more than the prophets of doom trying to bank on headlines.
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